From a chemical point of view, glucans are natural glucose polymers that form a major part of cellular walls, e.g. in fungi, yeasts, seaweed and grains.

Recently they have been cropping up under various names, and also with the letter ß at the beginning of the work, most often as follows:

  • betaglukan
  • beta glukan
  • beta-glukan
  • betaglucan
  • beta glucan
  • Beta-Glucan

Glucans with the highest biological activity are those whose primary chain is made from glucose molecules connected in position 1,3 and secondary glucose chains connected in position 1,6. We call these glucans, even though with some simplification, β-glucans.

Beta-Glucans are most often obtained from yeast, fungi, and also from seaweed and grain seeds. It has been confirmed by long-term comparative research conducted by an international team of scientists at the University of Louisville, US, that the efficacy of Beta-Glucans does not depend on their origin, but on a sufficient daily dose and chemical purity.

The recommended daily dose for an adult person is 100-200mg of Beta-Glucan. Beta-Glucan overdose is not possible even in case of long-term use.

The supporting effects of Beta-Glucans are most often used against diseases such as:

  • infections and common cold
  • high cholesterol level
  • weakened immune system
  • overall fatigue of the organism
  • blood formation disorders
  • oncological diseases